Jonathan Botha

Computer Scientist


Web Designer

Jonathan Botha

Computer Scientist


Web Designer


  • Created By: Jonathan Botha, Luke Joshua, Tom Mulligan and 2 others
  • Date: 28/08/2019
  • Categories: University / Software Engineering
See Demo

Fragments was created for a university group project in Software Engineering, which was led mainly by myself and Luke Joshua. The task was designed by Amazon. We were to create an endpoint that could take large quantities of data and aggregate the data in order to be able to obtain simple predefined objects from a server that is based on said data. This data needs to be up to date and complete. More information can be found in the demo video.

We were required to follow a strict sprint cycle and git flow. It was a gruelling task as not all members were comfortable with the languages and specifications, but in the end we provide an easily to deploy, fast and scalable solution.